DFW Twisted Sister Weekend
4/13/2023 - 4/16/2023
Event Type(s)
Dallas-Fort Worth
Event Description
Let's get TWISTED, Sisters!
We will ride out to Leakey, TX in several pre-planned groups. Some will ride out on Thursday, the 13th; others will ride out on the 14th, etc.
Please see the FB chat titled "2023 DFW Divas Twisted Sisters" for riding group planning and other event-related discussions.
We will ride the three Twisted Sisters as a group on Saturday, the 15th. Details TBD.
We will head for home Sunday morning with possibly a few stops along the way, maybe even for some Motorcycle Grand Tour check-ins!
Lodging will be at the River Bluff Cabins and the Historic Leakey Inn. The River Bluff Cabins are already booked up, but there are still vacancies at the Leakey Inn at this time.
**But don't book anything until you check in the chat to see if anyone needs/wants a roomie!**

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